troop meetings

Troop meetings are held every Tuesday evening at 7pm in the reception hall (basement) of St. Lukes on the Lake Episcopal Church.  They generally end around 8:15.  Scouts should wear their class-A** uniform and bring their scout satchel containing their scout handbook, pen and paper to all weekly meetings.   Patrols sit together, meet together in break-out sessions, and lead meetings elements like flag ceremonies.

**Scouts are invited to wear their Troop class-B shirts to full Troop meetings on the first Tuesday of each month.

There are two scout troop meeting types each serving a specific purpose, full troop meetings and patrol leader council (PLC).  All scouts are expected to attend each full troop meeting, whereas PLC meetings are for planning and only scouts currently holding Troop leadership roles are required to attend.  PLC meetings occur the last Tuesday of every month.

Typical agenda for a troop meeting is:

Patrol break-out time during full troop meetings is intended for scouts to work on rank requirements and/or plan for upcoming events.  With advance notice, scouts may also meet with merit badge counselors, or participate in Scoutmaster conferences or board of reviews.  Scouts of higher rank are expected to work with younger scouts teaching them the skills needed to fullfill rank requirements.  Scouts should not be idle nor engaged in non-scouting activities (i.e. on their cellphones).  Scouts are encouraged to work together.  Those who have achieved Star rank are elligible and encouraged to sign-off on many of the rank requirements of others through First Class.  Scouts having completed rank requirements should first approach Star-ranked scouts for sign-off before asking ASMs.  This encourages bonds to be built within all ages/levels of scouts. 

Scouts should plan to stay for the duration of the meeting.  Only after the meeting close and the meeting space has been reset as requested will scouts be permitted to leave.