scout leadership

Troop scout leader positions transition semi-annually.  The senior patrol leader (SPL) is elected by all participating active scouts of the troop.  In turn, he will name an assistant SPL and many of the other leadership positions.  It is the senior patrol leader and Scoutmaster's responsibility to appoint the Troop Guide and Den Chief.  Individual patrols will elect their patrol leader (PL) and they will appoint an assistant PL.  Some of the leadership positions have rank and other requirements.  Click on each of the patches for more information.

Scout troop leadership positions outlined below all have common duties, including:

senior patrol leader patch
assistant senior patrol leader patch
patrol leader patch
assistant patrol leader patch
troop guide patch
scribe patch
outdoor ethics guide patch
librarian patch
den chief patch
chaplain aide patch
bugler patch
Order of the Arrow representative patch
troop historian patch
quartermaster patch